
Initial Research Pathway

We read an article on the raked wingtips of the Boeing 787 Did ChatGPT and Microsoft Copilot generative searches to read a summary of the topic. Compared the different results and selected the ChatGPT result as it was more in-depth. We compiled the findings into a Google Docs file for collaborative work We searched for research articles on Google Scholar to further delve into the subject matter.

Javier's personal letter

  Subject: Self Introduction  Dear Professor Blackstone, I am writing this letter to share more about myself. My name is Javier Tong, and I am currently a first-year student studying Mechanical Engineering at the Singapore Institute of Technology.  I graduated with a diploma in Aeronautical Engineering from Singapore Polytechnic, and I’m continuing my engineering journey again at SIT. I have always had a passion for cars since I was young. The amount of effort required, from planning and development to production alway s i nterests me. I enjoyed collecting model cars for years and, as I grew older, I would often modify them too. In my free time, I would fix and paint the various parts of my model cars. In order to modify, dismantling the models is often needed and sometimes, it is not that straightforward. I would search the internet, for guides on dismantling the exact models on forums to assist me. This hobby greatly contributed to my interest in engineering. One communication stren

Interpretation of quote

“Communication skills are an essential component in the education of engineering students to facilitate not just students’ education but also to prepare them for their future careers.” - Marc Riemer, Faculty of Engineering, Monash University (2007)  Communication in schools is widespread, which may be why it might be an overlooked skill that is required in engineering. Communication in schools is very common, from asking lecturers questions to explaining what we do not understand. For other people to help us correctly, we have to communicate well. This shows that communicating skills 'are an essential' part of the learning whenever there are doubts. In engineering, teamwork is important and for a team to work, communication is key. Engineering solves issues and differing ideas are needed. Only through communication, the different ideas are then heard and have more ways to solve issues. To achieve relevance for engineers in their future careers, working with other sectors (busin